Speaker Among lashes out at cabinet over bribery claims

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Speaker Among lashes out at cabinet over bribery claims
Speaker Anita Among

The Speaker of Parliament Anita Among has cautioned ministers against engaging in idle talks with a purpose of tarnishing the image of the August House.

The Speaker says, she has received reports about how some Ministers took their idle talks in Cabinet on claims that members of Parliament were bribed to reject some of the bills that were seeking to rationalize some of the government entities.

“So when you hear members going to discuss and having idle talks in Cabinet that members are being bribed, and I repeat idle talks because members are here why don’t you come and argue in the House, "she said.

“We legislate for this country and you are saying we have rejected reports and we are not doing anything. If we are not doing anything close Parliament. Some of you are just appointed to come and see and bad mouth. These people are human beings, these members of Parliament have been doing a lot of work and you must thank them for doing all that work."

The speaker is now advising ministers interested in the rejected bills to retable them as the law permits reintroduction of business in the House.

Even when some MPs wanted to react on her communication, the Speaker did not allow them to comment on the matter saying the concerned Ministers have heard and it’s high time for them to stop tarnishing the good Image of Parliament where they are also members.

The Speaker’s caution to Ministers comes after barely a week when Kasambya County Member of Parliament David Kabanda tasked the Minister for Public Service Muluri Mukasa to apologize to Parliament for alleging that some of the bills on rationalization were rejected after MPs received bribes.

The minister refused to apologize.

Some of the entities that were not rationalized include the NITA-U, the National Forestry Authority, the Uganda Road Fund and the Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA).

The others are the Uganda Coffee Development Authority (UCDA), the Uganda Diary Development Authority (UDDA), the Cotton Development Organization (CDO)and the National Agricultural Advisory Services (NAADS)

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